3rd Class

Book List 2020

Bua na Cainte: Leabhar Litrithe 3rd Class (pupil’s book) Edco
Bua na Cainte 3 Book Rental Edco
Am don Léamh 3 Book Rental Folens

New Treasury 2018 (purple colour) – 3rd Class * Folens
New Wave English in Practice 3rd Class Prim Ed
Go With The Flow E 3rd Class CJ Fallon
Reading Resources supplied by the school

Dictionaries English and Irish

Busy At Maths 3 C J Fallon
Master Your Maths 3 CJ Fallon
Table Book (should already have one)

Grow in Love – Third Class * Veritas

SESE: History, Geography, Scienceavailable from school

SPHEAll resources available from school

Donoughmore School Homework Journal (distributed in school in September)

2 ( 9 x 7) hard cover copy books 120 pgs
A4 ring binder & plastic pockets
2 .(120 pg) Sum Copies
Pencils, red biro
8 . (120 pg) Writing Copies
30cm ruler, sharpener, eraser
1 A4 Refill Pad
Colouring pencils/crayons
Large Pritt Stick (with name on it)
A packet of envelopes to be kept at home for money needed throughout the year.

Book Rental €15
Homework Journal, Book Box, SAE €5.00
Arts & Craft materials / photocopying €20.00
Total Money due in September €40.00

 Books marked with an * can be bought secondhand from any present 3rd Class pupil who are willing to sell them.
 Please ensure that pupils name is clearly marked on jumpers, coats, books, lunchboxes etc.
 Please ensure that books are covered and names clearly labelled on the outside.