5th Class

Book List 2020

Léigh sa Bhaile E *  – CJ Fallon
Bua na Cainte 5  – Edco
Am don Léamh 5  – Book Rental  

Word Wizard 5th Class  – Gill
Go with the Flow Handwriting G  – CJ Fallon

Busy at Maths 5 – Fifth Class  – CJ Fallon

Tables book, English and Irish Dictionaries are essential (should already have one)

Mindful Matter 5 CJ Fallon

SESE: History, Geography & Science:
Atlas – ‘New Irish Primary Atlas’ (Should already have one) Folens
Explorers: Geography & Science 5th Class   –  Book Rental 
Explorers: History 5th Class  –   Book Rental  

Copies & Stationery:
• 3x A4 Hardback copies (A4 size only)
• 8x 120pg Writing copies
• 3x Maths copies
• 1 Folder and Poly pockets
• 1 refill pad
• Large Pritt stick
• Colours (not markers)
• Blue, black and red pens
• Pencil, rubber, ruler and topper

Book Rental €15.00
School Journal, Book Box & Report postage €5.00
Arts & Craft materials/photocopying €20.00
Total money due in September €40.00

 Books marked with an * can be bought secondhand from any present 5th class pupil who are willing to sell them
 Please have your child’s name clearly marked on all belongings (uniform, books, stationery etc.)